Why choose an Indie?
These go-getters are so passionate about their craft and skills, they’re backing themselves all the way.

Embrace balance
It might feel like the pandemic prompted the rise of the freelance hairdresser, but the truth is, this trend was on the up and up well before social distancing changed our lives. Hairdressing is a personal, emotional trade and many hairdressers recognise that their ability to offer their services is part of who they are and what they have to offer one-on-one, not necessarily the location they operate in.
Often (not always), those who choose to be an independent hairdresser, do so to make work-life balance a priority for themselves and their clients. This means you’re likely to find flexible or tailored scheduling options, and an Indie who operates to suit what you need; from mobile Indies to kid-friendly home salons, or on-location stylists for that special event, the Indie market is constantly innovating and evolving to solve inconveniences and make great hair accessible to everyone!
It’s all about you
Indies are highly-skilled professionals who are passionate about hair; many have honed their skills in renowned salons before branching out on their own. Some Indies found a particular love for a certain area of hairdressing, such as bridal, photographic or fashion styling, TV or film, or even specific cutting and colouring styles, and it motivated them to become an Indie so that they can pursue just this. And that’s great for you because they’ve invested time, attention and money into perfecting this craft, so you get to reap the benefits!
Then there are those who have built their business around offering a more specialised, relaxed and extended one-on-one service, in contrast to the buzz and communal vibe of a fast-paced salon environment.

How can you find an Indie?
While we’re working hard in the background to gather all of our Indies into one Indie Locator, we recommend using social media to find an Indie near you. Check out our Instagram profile @unwritten.hair first - we celebrate and highlight so many Indies every week in our reels, posts and stories, and we tag them all. It’s a good place to start!
To expand your search, use hashtags that relate to your suburb or closest major centre, and the kind of hair service or result you’re looking for.
Then, have fun perusing their amazing profiles! Good luck choosing just one, though.